Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We Choose Life!

A lot of people are confused at why we would choose to adopt. Actually, after seeing all the need I am dismayed that we, and others, haven't done it sooner.  Neither Keith nor I have been very good at sitting on the sidelines. I guess that is why I will be helping to coach Zack's baseball team again this year.  It is also why Keith is coaching Track for the 24th year.

Sure, we could be "empty nesters" in 6 short years, however giving new life to a forgotten boy has much more appeal. Each one of our children also has a lot to give a new brother. As soon as we showed the picture to them they all said, "Are we keeping him? Really, Is he our brother?" They soon started doing little things to get ready. Like making space in their rooms and starting a jar to collect change and tips from their jobs.  Each one also has graciously volunteered to travel to China with us. :)

I stood at my son's basketball practice in January marveling at how our friend's daughter, who has only been home for a year, has become such an amazing little lady.  I said whimsically,"If only we could afford adopting..." I was told, very softly and gently, "You never really afford it. You just do."

So why not adopt? What else should we "do" in our 40's?? I could buy a kindle and read books. I could buy an IPAD and do a lot of things. We could pay off all our debts instead of spending money to adopt. We could travel to Hawaii for our 25th anniversary. We could go to London for the Olympics.  For us we need to do more. We need to do something that will last. We need to honor the life we have been given.

So we decide to give a lovely boy a home. He is described by his caretakers as a "dear delight". A clever and intelligent little man. He is an active and outgoing child and he is delightful.
We choose Life! 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bringing Everybody Up to Speed

For about the last two years Keith and I have been talking about opening our home to another child. There have been a few moments when we thought we could adopt a child, but life got in the way and we never had the sense God was leading. The idea, however, never left us.
I would try to put these precious little ones out of my mind. I would force myself to not look at their pictures. I would ban myself from waiting child websites. I thought if I could keep from looking for them I could resist holding an orphan child as my own. I was never able to do that. God put adoption everywhere. He put it in magazines, books, movies, sermons, on the radio and in the lives of some of our friends.
Recently a picture popped up on Rainbow Kids and I emailed the agency holding the file.  What I got in return was a little life described on paper. An adorable "little man" who is loved by his "Aunties".   He also hit so many development milestones right on track! And who could possibly resist this face?

Everything moved very quickly after that. Keith and I decided to ask the agency to lock his file. At the end of the lock period we wrote a Letter of Intent, mailed a few family pictures and waited for the update. The update never came but our faith grew through seeking The Lord's guidance and we decided that "Mr. Adorable" would be a Dohner. 

We did get an update! Yea! Thanks Kathy! And I have made a few new friends that have adopted from the same orphanage that our son is currently living in. So the information is flooding our brains and I will leak out more news as we progress. Pray for little dude that he remains healthy and strong. Pray that we soon decide on a name... Pray that our family grows and we become equipped to be all that he could ever want in a family.